Solutions forCFO & Controller

Financial Management software designed exclusively for higher ed's unique needs.

What makes Kuali Financials different?

We get it. With multiple sources of funding and the unique structure of higher ed, you need a financial system designed to support your core missions of undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, and public service.
One Size Fits AllDesigned for Higher Ed
LimitedPowerful Accounting Controls
RIGIDConfigurable, Flexible Workflow
EXPENsive upgradesContinuous Delivery
Difficult to integrateAPIs included
ConstrainedUnlimited expansion with Kuali Build
We have a drag and drop form builder that is crazy powerful.

Key Features

Designed by higher education for higher education, Kuali Financials provides the tools you need to manage and audit financial transactions across your institution more efficiently and transparently. You’ll be able to track, allocate and control funds, and conduct financial statement audits more quickly and effectively.

Education-Specific Enterprise Software

Meet your institution’s strategic initiatives and audit goals through powerful accounting controls, access to key insights, and configurable financial software to ensure consistent processes.

Flexibility & Control

Transform your institution’s financials with Kuali’s flexible , powerful chart of accounts. Create controls and approval workflows that increase transparency and efficiency for day-to-day operations and even for annual audits.

Continuous Delivery

You’re probably familiar with coming up with a workaround until the annual upgrade comes around to fix it. Not with Kuali. We continuously deliver new features to our financial software so you’re always working with the latest.

Kuali Financials was designed in partnership with the following schools:

Learn More

Dive into the resources below to help you discover more about how our solutions can help you.