Kuali Research
Capture Specific Data

Gain valuable insights by capturing and reporting on the data that is specific to your needs.

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Capture Specific Data

There are all kinds of data points that are collected through proposal development and management of the Award process. But what do you do with all that data?

When you implement Kuali Sponsored Programs software and then configure it to your needs, you’re able to capture specific pieces of data to build custom reports that fit different needs.

By looking at different reports, you’re better able to track and understand your proposal process, internal deadlines, workloads, and other pieces of information, and more importantly, gain insights on how to improve. You aren’t tied down by pre-built reports and standard data collections. We know that every institution is different, with some unique challenges and goals. We give you the freedom to configure the software to fit your needs and get the information out to help you succeed.

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Learn more about Kual Sponsored Programs

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Module Magazine: Sponsored Programs
Get a closer look at the modules within Sponsored Programs that are intuitive and configurable, allowing them to quickly add value to your instituion.
Read Now

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Case Study: Utah State University
See how USU was able to increase productivity and collaboration for faculty and staff by implementing Kuali Sponored Programs.
Read the Case Study

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Self Guided Demo: Training Integration with Sponsored Programs
See how your team can track the progress of their trainings - both internal and external - right within Kuali's modules.
Try it Now