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Optimize COVID - 19 Processes to Prepare for 2021 | Kuali Build

November 23, 2020

This fall, higher education honed in on getting back to campus safely. Every institution wanted things to return to “normal” without putting student, staff, or faculty health at risk.

Kuali representatives have spoken with dozens of higher education institutions about COVID-19 processes. Nearly all are using basic forms accompanied by manual processes. Institutions launched these processes during the summer with little time to prepare as regulations rapidly changed. 

Unfortunately, it appears Spring 2021 may be similar in regards to managing the pandemic. If we expect more of the same—thousands of weekly tests, symptom reporting, and contact tracing—perhaps it’s time to consider more transparent and automated COVID-19 process management.

Using a forms and workflow solution, institutions can transform their COVID-19 processes. A forms and workflow platform allows for extensive automation possibilities. New opportunities for integrated processes arise. Centralized reporting becomes far simpler. The best part? Your institution can implement a forms and workflow solution before winter semester begins.

COVID-19 Processes

2 people wearing masks

Thus far, the majority of forms we see are e-forms. They are digitized but still require manual entry. This means students and staff enter information, such as name and identification number, into the form even though it already exists elsewhere in campus systems. Along with manual entry, these forms typically can’t provide automation. There are no routing or automated approval capabilities.

Although there are already many types of form-building software on campus, the systems in place aren’t solving the core issues institutions face. Existing systems include tools such as ServiceNow, OnBase, and Google Forms. However, these systems are either too complex or too simple. The complex tools sit within IT and require help and maintenance from IT. The simpler tools can be managed by non-technical individuals but don’t provide the level of security needed to collect important COVID-related information. 

The following are the core issues institutions face today:

  • Lack of Agility
  • User Experience
  • Automated Processes
  • Reporting and Oversight
  • Secure

The University of Massachusetts Amherst, Southern Connecticut State University, and Davidson College were able to tackle these issues using forms and workflow platform Kuali Build. 

UMass Amherst Case Study

UMass Amherst needed a safe way to re-open and monitor research centers on campus. Within two weeks, the institution developed. They used Kuali Build to track all research activities, then integrated the tool with Tableau to run advanced analysis and make decisions quickly. If the institution had not used Kuali Build, they would have used an excel spreadsheet. 

Kuali Build delivered a far better user experience, did not cause security concerns, and still provided data they could use in Tableau for centralized reporting. Read the case study here

Southern Connecticut State University

Southern Connecticut State University’s research department had to build a process to re-open research activities over the summer. They created four forms in Kuali Build to manage the process. 

Just two weeks later, requirements changed. Because of the agility they have with Kuali Build, they could create an updated process without IT support. The SCSU research department launched a new form shortly after. Kuali Build increased the institution’s agility, user experience, and mobile-ready reporting. Read the case study here

Davidson College

Davidson College required a way to safely track the re-opening of campus. The institution laucnhed a Kuali Build form, which they integrated with middleware tool SnapLogic. Because of these two tools, they were able to automate pivotal pieces of the testing and reporting processes.

Today when students go in for testing, they scan their ID card and a new Kuali Build form is automatically pulled up with all their identifying information. The student is tested by an onsite medical provider. The results are entered into Kuali Build, processed in SnapLogic, then exported. 

Suddenly, testing and reporting becomes lightning fast. This process provides a much better experience for the student and delivers quick advanced reporting and oversight for administrators. 

To date, they’ve had over 15,000 submissions of the form. With Kuali Build as part of their strategy, they have avoided any outbreaks of COVID-19. Read the case study here.

Kuali Build can provide the automation, integration, and centralized reporting that your institution needs to take COVID-19 processes to the next level. Learn more about Kuali Build at

Interested in learning more about how to further optimize your institution’s COVID-19 processes? Watch our webinar on this topic today! Helpful hint: Learn more about how to use Kuali Build to optimize COVID-19 processes by starting the webinar at 18:38.

Automating Processes During COVID-19
Forms & Workflow v eSign
Guide to Digital Transformation

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